Zelda BOTW Pro Speedrunner and Combat Expert React to New Viral Clips
We gathered Breath of the Wild pro speedrunner Limcube and combat expert RinHara5aki together to break down some speedruns, combat, glitches, and more.
Breath of the Wild is the game that keeps on giving, with people still finding new things four years later. Luca Jakobi, aka "Limcube," and Max Blumenthal, aka "RinHara5aki," specialize in two separate fields of Breath of the Wild and react to interesting new viral Breath of the Wild clips.
Limcube previously has done reacts videos and consistently speedruns Breath of the Wild to this day, even performing runs for Games Done Quick. He optimizes speedruns, as well, to make new routes. RinHara5aki is one of the first to delve into Breath of the Wild combat specifically, and with his videos amassing more than 13 million views, he continues to document and push the game's evolving combat system.
In the video above, the pair breaks down what's going on behind the scenes, how difficult the techniques are, and how they're performed. Complex glitches such as Extended Shield clips, Horse Slides, Spaceships, Shield Block Resets, and others are examined.