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Why should I see a skin dermatologist for my acne?

If you are dealing with chronic acne and oily skin, you should visit the Best Skin Dermatologist in Delhi for effective treatments that will prevent further damage. Typically, acne is a result of excess sebum secr...

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Why should I see a skin dermatologist for my acne?

If you are dealing with chronic acne and oily skin, you should visit the Best Skin Dermatologist in Delhi for effective treatments that will prevent further damage. Typically, acne is a result of excess sebum secretion and clogged skin. It is mostly seen among teenagers however adults can also experience something called adult acne. Excess acne can cause scarred skin and dark spots leading to dull skin.

Some of the best skin dermatologists in Delhi can identify the cause of acne and help you with the most suitable treatment for your skin. The dermatologist can also prescribe injections or medications for some severe types of acne like cystic acne.

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