Update 5 Trains Collisions, Signals, New "Stop Settings" & more
All the info you need about the upcoming addition of Train signals & collision, how to fix your trains + more!
⬇ Links and Info ⬇
Website + FAQ ‣ https://satisfactorygame.com
Satisfactory Merch ‣ https://www.forfansbyfans.com/fandom/satisfactory
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Twitch ‣ https://twitch.tv/coffeestainstudiosdevs
⬇ Community Managers ⬇
Jace ‣ https://twitter.com/jembawls
Snutt ‣ https://twitter.com/BustaSnutt
#Satisfactory is an FPS open-world factory building sim by #CoffeeStain Studios. You play as an engineer on an alien planet as part of the ‘Save The Day’ program - a program whose goal is to construct a massive machine for a mysterious purpose. Conquer nature, build multi-story factories, and automate to satisfaction! #Update5
0:00 The Lie
0:18 Introduction - more than just last week's trailer
1:20 DISCLAIMER: Information overload, don't panic
2:43 Train Collisions
3:22 Repairing de-railed trains
5:27 Signals - Introduction
5:55 Block Signals
7:48 Path Signals
10:51 Additional Signals Information
13:09 Are intersecting tracks supported?
14:33 Freight Station UI Changes
14:49 Train Timetable UI Changes
15:11 New "Stop Settings" Feature
16:39 What about your save files?
19:17 Conclusion - THANKS FOR WATCHING ❤️