This is the BEST New Update to Cities Skylines Yet!
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This is the BEST New Update to Cities Skylines Yet!
Cities Skylines gameplay today continuing our new city, where our goal is to make the best city possible for our residents! With the new Plaza and Promanades DLC and the ability to make walkable cities this should be possible, but with the new update it'll be easy with all the new bus, bike and tram roads!
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Cities Skylines Mods:
*These are the game changing mods, not assets. I got like 100+ assets and I'm not listing all those lol.
Network Anarchy, Surface Painter temporary fix, Extended Managers Library 1.0.3, Loading Screen Mod Revisited 0.7, Play It!, Render It!, Tree Anarchy 1.3.5, Extra Landscaping Tools [1.15.0-f2 FIX], Compatibility Report, 81 Tiles 2 TESTING, Realistic LUT V1.2, Ultimate Level of Detail (ULOD), Move It, Optimised Outside Connections, Hide It!, TM:PE STABLE (Traffic Manager: President Edition), Loading Order Mod V1.12.4-Beta, Node Controller Renewal 3.3.2, Harmony 2.2-0 (Mod Dependency) [Plazas & Promenades compatible], Roundabout Builder, Patch Loader Mod, Softer Shadows, Clear and Bright and Large Water Pumping Station.
Cities Skylines DLC I’m using:
Match Day, Natural Disasters, Pearls from the East, After Dark, Mass Transit, Green Cities, Euro Suburbia, Art Deco, High-Tech Buildings, Snowfall, Parklife, Industries, Campus, Modern City Center, Sunset Harbor, the Airport DLC, and the Plaza and Promenades DLC.
About Cities Skylines:
Cities Skylines is a city building game / city simulator simulation game where you build a city and manage its citizens and the traffic they cause. Build roundabouts, highways, buses, bus loops, trains, monorail, subway system, blimps and more to solve traffic problems and get unlimited money and profit every week! There’s a ton of Cities Skylines DLC as well and anytime a new Cities Skylines DLC or new Cities Skylines update comes out we’ll check it out!
#ImKibitz #CitiesSkylines