How Star Wars Squadrons Brings INTENSE Depth of Combat
Robert Handlery got to play 2 hours of the upcoming flight combat game, Star Wars: Squadrons, developed by EA Motive. He played the prologue of the single player campaign, and both the Dogfight and Fleet Battle multiplayer modes--Dogfight is a 5v5 battle against other players, and Fleet Battle tasks you with taking down your enemies massive flagship.
The game features different ships like the X-Wing, TIE Fighter, and Y-Wing, which fit into different classes like Fighter, Interceptor, Bomber, and Support. The ships also sport a robust collection of loadouts and customization options. Rob was impressed with how the game alleviates some of the problems with the "death loop" (where you and your opponent are constantly chasing each other in never-ending circles) and how it utilizes a Power Management system that allows you to focus power into things like lasers, engines, and shields while taking power away from other abilities.
Star Wars: Squadrons is set to be released on October 2, 2020 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. The game will be cross-platform and have VR support.