Far Cry 6 Story Predictions Part One: The Plot and Prologue - FAR CRY 6 THEORIES!
Far Cry 6 gameplay isn't out for a few months yet, but that hasn't stopped Far Cry fan Ian Higton from trying to piece together the Far Cry 6 trailer footage to try to predict the plot and explain the story of Far Cry 6. In the first part of this Far Cry 6 Story Predictions video, Ian attempts to uncover the underlying plot and character motivations of Far Cry 6 by examining Far Cry 6 gameplay footage for Far Cry 6 secrets and clues. Why does Dani join Libertad? What are Anton Castillo's true motivations and what on Earth is Viviro? Find out all this and more in this Far Cry 6 theory video - Far Cry 6 Story Predictions Part One: The Plot and Prologue!
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