Evolution Of The MP5 In Call of Duty
For over 14 years we’ve seen the MP5 featured in almost every Call of Duty game. Here’s a look at how the reliable submachine gun has evolved over the course of 14 titles.
The MP5 is one of Call of Duty’s most well-known submachine guns. It’s been featured in more than a dozen games and modes and has seen quite a few changes. In this video, we check out it’s evolution within the entire series. Everything from its introduction in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, to its futuristic stylings of Infinite Warfare and beyond.
The reliable MP5 is a fan favorite. It usually delivers a fast fire rate with low recoil. In most Call of Duty games, it’s the strongest submachine gun in terms of damage. Unfortunately, the same can’t always can’t always be said when it comes to Treyarch’s Zombies modes. Submachine guns and zombies don’t mix very well and can leave you wanting a stronger weapon in later rounds.
Even every iteration, there are a few staples that make up that classic MP5 look. This includes its iron sights and familiar body shape. In futuristic titles like Infinite Warfare, the MP5 goes by other names like the VPR, but after getting your hands on them, the feel and performance of this submachine gun stands out and feels familiar. While the look and style has changed over the years, there’s no denying it’s smooth handling and solid time to kill. It’s a gun we COD fans can’t live without.
00:30 - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
01:03 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
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03:18 - Black Ops 2 - Pack-a-Punch
03:40 - Black Ops 3
04:03- Black Ops 3 Pack-a-Punch
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