1 month after THQ Nordic acquisition of Coffee Stain [CC]
Merry Christmas from THQ Nordic (and Coffee Stain)
******* Info *******
Website + FAQ: https://satisfactorygame.com
******* Social links *******
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SatisfactoryAF
Facebook: https://facebook.com/SatisfactoryGame
Insta: https://instagram.com/coffee_stain_studios
Discord: https://discord.gg/satisfactory
Reddit: http://reddit.com/r/satisfactorygame
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/coffeestainstudiosdevs
Community Manager: https://twitter.com/jembawls
Satisfactory is an FPS open-world factory building sim. You play as an engineer on an alien planet as part of the ‘Save The Day’ program - a program whose goal is to construct a massive machine for a mysterious purpose. Conquer nature, build multi-story factories, and automate to satisfaction!